Monday, 21 December 2020

Heavy Metal Yeti's Best Metal Albums of 2020!

*Favourite Album Art*
Autoinducer - Germophobe
    One more time around the great celestial mosh pit brings us together again to take a look at some of our favourite metal albums of the last rotation. Last year I made an effort to get out to every single live show that caught my eye and this year I find myself in the biggest concert drought of my adult life. Things were a bit different this year due to a certain virus impacting every aspect of our lives. I think it may have even influenced my choice for favourite album art of the year... #Germophobe

    While all has been relatively well at Yeti HQ, I am desperately looking forward the days that I can feel the bass drum in my chest and clash with my brothers and sisters in the pit once again! There's been a silver lining to this madness however as 2020 was a year of live streams, drive in concerts, and metalhead innovation at its finest with some of metal's greatest talents taking to platforms like Twitch to connect with fans and create new avenues for support with no touring on the horizon. There's a reason we are the dominate species on this planet and we will weather this storm.

    Some fantastic metal albums came out this year! The underground continued to spew out wicked new releases with bands like Cryptic Shift, Undeath, Sweven, and Odious Mortem really catching my eye along with many new devastating death metal releases across the spectrum. So many bands delivered huge this year and there were certainly many front runners for AOTY depending on your taste. For me personally this list changes depending on my current state of mind but The Ocean Collective, Ulcerate, Intervals, and Eternal Champion absolutely crushed it without a doubt. We also got killer albums from metal giants like Napalm Death, Annihilator, Paradise Lost, Vader, Incantation, Benediction, Sepultura, Lamb of God, Testament, Ozzy, and Dark Tranquility. We even got some new Deftones and on top of all this, Carcass released an EP this year which could be an omen of things to come!

    Sadly though we lost way too many legends this year. Rest in peace Sean Malone, Sean Reinert, Reed Mullin, Neil Peart, Riley Gale, Eddie Van Halen, Pete Way, Peter Green, Brent Young, Lee Kerslake, Frankie Banali, Gordon Haskell, Alex Trebek, Mitch, Merlin and every other metalhead off to the great gig in the sky.

    I don't have much to report on this year for live shows with a everyone in the same boat of disappointment for cancelled or rescheduled festivals and shows. Missing the Mayhem/Abbath tour as well as the "evening with" double set Between the Buried and Me show hurt the worst for me I think. I did manage to get out to the Metallica drive in concert "PANDEMICA" and while it was nice to get out on a summer night to blast metal with friends outside of my living room, the pre-recorded show paled in comparison to some of the live streams we got this year. Speaking of live streams, god damn we had some gems. I watched Between the Buried and Me play Colors in its entirety sitting in a lawn chair on the edge of a lake in Northern Ontario. While I think every band gave us some sort of stream, some of my favourites were from BTBAM, Devin Townsend, Blood Incantation, Temple of Night, Lamb of God, Tesseract, and Obituary.   

    Overall, it's been one hell of a year for the human race and I find myself more than ever relying on the raw power of the music I love to keep me going. I hope everyone reading this is making out okay, and if you're not, keep holding on because sunny days and muddy festivals are on the way. Plague aside, it was another incredible year for metal releases. We all have a lot to look forwarrd to next year and all I can say is that the first mosh pit back is going to be an ABSOLUTE MASSACRE!! In the meantime, here are 30 of my favourite metal albums of 2020!! Cheers to every metalhead supporting underground music during these difficult months as we wait for the return of live shows and normal life! If we all mask up when needed and wash our dirty-ass hands, maybe we can have some live music sooner rather than later!! Cheers! /../;,,;/../

1. Ulcerate - Stare Into Death And Be Still
Technical Death Metal - Debemur Morti Productions

2. Intervals - Circadian
Progressive Metal - Independent Release

3. Question - Reflections of the Void
Death Metal - Chaos Records

4. Scarab - Martyrs of the Storm
Death Metal - ViciSolum Records

5. Inferi - Of Sunless Realms
Technical Death Metal - The Artisan Era

6. Odious Mortem - Synesthesia
Technical Death Metal - Willowtip Records

7. The Ocean Collective - Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic
Progressive Metal - Metal Blade Records

8. Bedsore - Hypnagogic Hallucinations
Progressive Death Metal - 20 Buck Spin

9. Cryptic Shift - Visitations from Enceladus
Technical Death Metal - Blood Harvest

10. Spirit Adrift - Enlightened In Eternity

Heavy/Doom Metal - 20 Buck Spin

11. Uada - Djinn
Melodic Black Metal - Eisenwald

12. Temple of Void - The World That Was

Death/Doom Metal - Shadow Kingdom Records

13. Necrot - Mortal
Death Metal - Tankcrimes

14. Sylosis - Cycle of Suffering

Melodic Thrash Metal - Nuclear Blast

15. Havukruunu- Uinuos Syömein Sota
Black Metal - Naturmacht Productions

16. Testament - Titans of Creation
Thrash Metal - Nuclear Blast

17. Protest The Hero - Palimpsest
Progressive Metal - Independent Release

18. Mors Principium Est- Seven
Melodic Death Metal -  AFM Records

19. Undeath - Lesions of a Different Kind
Death Metal - Prosthetic Records

20. Hellripper - The Affair of the Poisons

Black/Speed Metal - Peaceville Records

21. Skeleton - Skeleton
Thrash/Black Metal - 20 Buck Spin

22. Benediction - Scriptures
Death Metal - Nuclear Blast

23. VoidCeremony: Entropic Reflections Continuum: Dimensional Unravel
Progressive Death Metal - 20 Buck Spin

24. Intronaut - Fluid Existential Inversions

Progressive Metal - Metal Blade Records

25. Sojourner - Premonitions
Atmospheric Black Metal - Napalm Records

26. Carnation - Where Death Lies
Death Metal - Season of Mist

27. Ulthar - Providence

Death Metal - 20 Buck Spin

28. Eternal Champion - Ravening Iron

Epic Heavy Metal - Independent Release

29. Esoctrilihum - Eternity of Shaog

Black Metal - I, Voidhanger Records

30. Void Rot - Descending Pillars

Death/Doom Metal - Everlasting Spew Records

Lutharö - Wings of Agony (EP)
Melodic Death Metal - Independent Release

Honourable mentions: Incantation, Abysmal Dawn, Napalm Death, Defeated Sanity, Skeletal Remains, Black Crown Initiate, Midnight, Draconian, Vile Creature, Imperial Triumphant, Sepultura, Havok, Dark Tranquility, Pyrrhon, Contrarian, Paradise Lost, Ripped to Shreds, Vader, Primitive Man, Paradise Lost, and so so many more!

If you're looking for even more new music to check out, here are my AOTY lists from previous years!
2019 -
2018 -
2017 -
2015/2016 -
2014 -

- Metal Yeti /../;,,;/../

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